Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Weekly Devotional I Samuel 7:12


“Then Samuel took a stone and set it between Mizpeh and Shen, and called the name of it Ebenezer, saying, hitherto hath the Lord helped us.” I Samuel 7:12

Dear Congregation,
      I have lately been reflecting on the fact that Grace Community Church has been around for thirty years. I have been reflecting on the fact that at any time, the Lord could have allowed this ministry to cease and fold up. Larger and more prominent works have done so, yet still we remain. We can say along with Samuel in the above verse “hitherto hath the Lord helped us.” Despite our many mistakes, despite our weaknesses, despite our lack of faith, despite our personal agendas, despite money problems, despite people coming and going, despite a difficult suburban mission field, hitherto hath the Lord helped us! We do not know what tomorrow may bring but we can rejoice in God’s faithfulness and steadfastness with a broken people. Our reflection on an anniversary should cause us to be all the more dependent on God for help and power. In the above passage, Israel had just won a victory against the Philistines by God’s great power. If the nation had tried themselves, as they often did at other times, to fight in their own strength, failure was assured. Therefore the Ebenezer is set up to remember the Lord’s help and the people’s dependence. When we seek our desires for the church, we cannot hope for success. The Lord’s Word and will must be done. Our great gift is a rest in him to work and to fight for us. As Israel, we shall hold our peace. Exodus 14:14
            This 30th anniversary is in a sense an Ebenezer. A reminder of where our whole reason for everything lies. This is why it is healthy to reflect and praise God for the past as well as to pray that He continues to care for us in the future. Let us humbly walk with Him and lean on Him totally as a church and as individuals for everything.
I encourage all of you to invite as many people as possible to our anniversary service on Sunday October 16th. Whether they have been part of this church in the past or not, it is an opportunity to celebrate together and glorify God for his care. Send those invitations, raise the Ebenezer, for hitherto hat the Lord helped us! Praise Him Praise Him!
In Christ,

Pastor Basile

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Weekly Devotional - Esther 4:14

"For if thou altogether holdest thy peace at this time, then shall there enlargement and deliverance arise to the Jews from another place; but thou and thy father's house shall be destroyed: and who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this?" Esther 4:14
This verse is perhaps the most famous in the Book of Esther. Queen Esther's cousin Mordecai encourages her to speak to the king on behalf of God's people to save them from Haman's wicked plot. As you read the account, it is apparent that Esther was put in the right place at the right time, to do the right thing. I have been on that theme often this past year as I think we all must examine our place in creation and what God would have us do for His kingdom. Do not let this truth pass over you without conviction. Where ever you are, in whatever state you find yourself, you are there for such a time as this. Be assured the Lord can use you even here, do not waste the opportunity. Your gifts, talents, personality, prayers, contacts, all bring potential influence for the advancement of the Gospel and the pure good that God's kingdom represents. Do not neglect such a time as this.

Yet, this verse also has a warning to it. If Esther ignored her place in history and did nothing, there would be consequences. Notice the consequences would not befall God's people. Haman would be destroyed and the Church preserved no matter what because God is always keeping His promises, and He is always on the throne, and the gates of hell shall not prevail. The warning comes to Esther and her family. God would destroy her house for its uselessness and find someone else to do his work. Let us also be warned 2400 years later. Let us as individuals and as Grace Community Church not hold our peace. Let us use our knowledge of God and of His Gospel to advance His cause and His message. He will advance His kingdom, may our prayer be that we are used of Him. Do not despair if your gifts do not look like the gifts of others or other churches. Let us use what we are as a church for Him. We are in Bridgewater, NJ in 2016 for such a time as this and though the world may call us weak and unimpressive, we know that those are the instruments God uses most keenly. With the coming fall, let's not hold our peace - lets pray, teach, disciple, serve, and stand as never before. We love the Lord Jesus Christ and to him be all the credit and glory! Amen!
In Christ,
Pastor Basile