Thursday, December 29, 2016

New Year


“And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed. The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armor of light.” Romans 13: 11-12

Dear Congregation,
        It has become an ageless tradition to mock New Year resolutions. The classics being diet and exercise that possibly last half of January. Others, taking on all forms of good intentions and hopeful changes. However, where are those resolutions when August rolls around? We all know our own weaknesses even when it comes to our own ideals and desires. These weaknesses can have the same discouraging effect on our Christian life if we are pursuing it on our own steam. How many people walk away from the Lord because they did not receive the gratification they idealized? How many people loose patience with their Lord?
            The Scripture reminds us that sanctification is not of our own doing but of God’s and that we are indeed doomed to failure if we pursue it without faith, dependence, and the Gospel. The above passage reminds us of one motivation to keep our meaning of life central. Our end is always nearer than it was a moment ago. We do not know what lies ahead or when our path is done but we do know that there is no time like the present to act in faith and do what is right. With the New Year coming, I think this passage speaks very keenly to all of us. Awake out of your sleep, the day is at hand. The day to repent and pursue righteousness and holiness. Whatever works of darkness choked us in 2016 must by grace and faith be thrown off. Far too much distracts and holds us back from our potential as ambassadors and servants.
            After casting off, we put on. Put on the armor of light. Live in that straight and narrow path out of love and thanksgiving for your Lord. Let His armor protect you from all attacks and all temptations to despair. Cast your cares upon Him for He cares for you! As 2017 dawns, we know the time. It is high time to always be awake, to cast off darkness and put on the light of Christ. My prayer is that God’s power will enable all of us to do this this year in such a way that we and the church universal have never seen before. Happy New Year!!!
In Christ,

Pastor Basile

Thursday, December 22, 2016



“By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.” John 13:35

Dear Congregation,
            The world makes a habit of focusing its gaze on Christians and on the Church during the Christmas season. Despite its attempts to cover up the holiday with Santa Claus, parties, commerce, toys, vacations, and all the other cultural norms, They still cannot avoid the image of the nativity as the real origin of the holiday. We know that God is the one who works in people’s hearts and minds to draw them to Himself. We rest in His providence and power to use weak and unexpected things to advance His kingdom. Yet we are told to be conscious of our testimony as His people. Above, He tells us to love one another as He has loved us. Despite the sinful nature of mankind and the world covering up Christ and His gospel, there is still a yearning for something different. I submit to you that one of those different things is genuine love for others. Not rivalry, not business partnership, not casual acquaintance, but love. When true genuine caring is seen among God’s people, it makes an impact that cannot be ignored and is attractive, on some level, even to the most hardened sinner. As we interact with unsaved family, friends, and neighbors, let our love for one another at Grace Church stand out. As visitors come to us, let them be impacted by our differentness. This is what I challenge you to consider this coming week that you show an unworldly genuine love, warmth, and meekness that comes from above. That people may see it and glorify your Father in Heaven.
Merry Christmas,

Pastor Basile

Thursday, December 15, 2016



“Then Jesus said unto them, Take heed and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees.” Matthew 16:6

Dear Congregation,
       Here is a word of warning from our Lord to his disciples that is often glossed over, but vital to our Christian walk. Beware of the leaven. Beware that which will fill you and puff you up with air and size but not substance. Beware that which gives you shape and recognition but is unhealthy in raw and pure form. Beware the leaven of the Pharisees. We know who the Pharisees were, we condemn them regularly. The religious elite who conformed the Word of God to their own standard and made it a test of works and earned favor with God. Jesus says beware this influence. This influence is alive and well in many Christians as we all feel the inclination to justify ourselves and prove ourselves in achievement rather than the grace and mercy of our Lord. We look around at others and compare ourselves to them and thank God that we are not as they. We judge, condemn, mock, and dismiss without delving deep into other’s lives. Beware this legalistic aspect of human nature, beware the leaven of the Pharisees.
            The Lord Jesus also warns of the leaven of the Sadducees. This group was the group that denied the resurrection and was skeptical of the supernatural involvement of God in everything. They had also taken on strong political identity and in a parallel passage are even substituted for the Herodians. This leaven is the opposite of that of the Pharisees in their disregard of Jewish tradition and so much of God’s Word. This is the leaven of liberalism and libertinism. It is like the other leaven only in the sense that mankind is the standard.
            In the 21st century we still battle these two pulls of the world and of fallen human nature. Legalism and relativism are both effective leaven that may puff us up with no substance. Instead, the Christian must walk the narrow path between the two. The dependence should never be on self achievement or self rationalization of God and Revelation. Dependence must be on Christ, the living Word of God, the savior of Israel, the Messiah who comes and tells us all things. Dependence on Him and his way is the way to avoid the poisonous leaven. With the pressures of life and the Christmas season, let us avoid these two gutters and keep to the middle with our Lord. Avoid the temptations of right and left and give all to Christ for His safekeeping and your dependent rest.
In Christ,

Pastor Basile

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Words of Eternal Life


“Then Simon Peter answered him, Lord, to whom shall we go? Thou hast the words of eternal life.” John 6:68

Dear Congregation,
       It is easy to forget that the Lord Jesus’ ministry was not an appealing one. Not only did following Him bring mockery, poverty, physical harm, and loss of respectful status among many other things, it also promised no earthly compensation for these losses. In addition to this, Jesus’ teaching often seemed completely ridiculous. In the context of the above passage, Jesus explains the order of salvation and how there is no freewill involved in choosing Him. It then says that after hearing this, many of his disciples went back and walked no more with him. They left! Jesus crossed the line and they saw no merit or future in His ministry. They went to find some other group, some other message, some other comfort.
Yet, because it is indeed the Father who draws His own, the Eleven, sincerely regenerate, could not leave the Lord. They were puzzled too, they were suffering too, they also wondered what would come of this. Yet they recognized the uniqueness of the Lord Jesus as opposed to all other options, and decided in their given faith, to remain with Him. Where else was there to go? No one else was preaching and teaching Grace. Others may have promised comfort and entertainment, but He had the words of eternal life and they would stick it out trusting in an almighty God.
            As Christians, many things often challenge our faith. There are doctrines that unsettle us, there are principles that we have a hard time defending. Sometimes we just do not understand our Bibles. However, by faith given from above, we must hold fast like the close disciples. Let’s not judge success or profit by our own standards, but let’s trust the Lord. Let’s not judge success in the world or ministries by what we see, lets judge by what the Bible says about what we see. When in a smaller church there may be temptation to walk no more with it or to feel discouraged. But does it have the words of eternal life? Is it faithful? If it is, what is God calling you to do to enrich it and give those words of eternal life a further reach?
 In a world where the Gospel is not now nor has ever been palatable, we cannot loose heart, we cannot be discouraged. We expect no earthly charm here but we rely on our Savior and His words. Whether we like it or not, there simply is no one else to turn to. There is no where else to go. The Lord Jesus has the words to eternal life! Let us walk with Him, follow Him, trust Him, and worship Him and His Gospel alone!
In Christ,

Pastor Basile

Thursday, December 1, 2016


“And Jesus answered and said unto her, Martha, Martha, thou art careful and troubled about many things: But one thing is needful: and Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her.” Luke 11:41-42

Dear Congregation,
       I know this was the subject of a brief devotional I gave at the supper church before thanksgiving, but it has not left me alone and I have continued to meditate on it since. Therefore, I want to consider it further for this devotional.
Here we have two sisters who display a very different attitude and focus. The Lord Jesus is in their presence and is a guest in their home. Two responses are demonstrated. Mary desires to be with the Lord, hear His word, and commune with Him. Martha wishes to serve the Lord and do things for Him. What does our natural gut instinct tell us about both of these responses before we read the Lord’s comment on them? I would say naturally we respect Martha more. When we have a guest we often go into a flurry of activity to prepare for and serve that guest. Certainly it is right that we show hospitality. We can praise Martha for her service, diligence, hard work, and outward facing attitude. Mary at first looks like a lazy person who is being selfish. Yet, the lord Jesus instructs differently. In being cumbered about with much serving, Martha had missed the chance to know and bond with her guest. He was the whole point to all her activity and she was missing that point. Martha was looking for recognition, pride was present. Mary gravitated towards and clung to the essential and the necessary, that would never be taken away. Her pride was in her guest.
            I have thought of these two women in terms of individual churches or congregations. There are many Martha like churches around in our area that are full of activity and service. They are fun, they are structured and organized, they are large, and they are constantly serving the community with various “outreaches” and service projects. We naturally look at these churches with respect and some envy. But why do they do this? The Lord Jesus says Martha was troubled about many things, but only one thing is needful. Where is the emphasis on the one thing?  If Grace Community Church is a Mary church than that is a good thing. If all we do is sit at Jesus feet and hear His word and commune with Him, we have chosen the one needful thing. As we know that it is God who gives the increase, and that God’s Holy Spirit draws people to Himself, our choosing the one thing will have positive effect on us as a church and on His kingdom at large. We trust Christ to motivate to service that is needful and trust Christ for the fruit of that service. We do not look for means to brag about ourselves. We do not worry about the many things. I am thankful that we are unique and different in that regard. It may not be what impresses according to the flesh, but Mary gets the commendation. We care about eternal souls, The Word and Sacrament minister to the soul. This is the good part! Ministries and outreaches change, fade, die out, burn out, etc. The Word of the Lord abides forever. This shall never be taken away. Let us embrace it, glory in it, and consider it as primary throughout the year but especially as an anchor through the busy Christmas season. Sit at Jesus’ feet and hear His Word!
In Christ,

Pastor Basile