Thursday, April 27, 2017

Gospel Better Than Life

“Because thy lovingkindness is better than life, my lips shall praise thee.” Psalm 63:3

Dear Congregation,
       It is very difficult for anyone to measure the value something compared to life itself. Many who speak on such matters do so without serious thought or without ever having faced the challenge. Realistically, a parent may value their child’s life above their own, a soldier may give his life to save his comrades, yet even there the choice is not without inconceivable weight. Even still it is not a constant value for every parent or soldier. We value self and life so much that for the vast majority of people nothing can take precedence. And yet, the Scripture repeatedly challenges our selfishness and directs us to that which is definitively of more value than our lives; the love of God.

            The Lord Jesus tells us to give up our lives for Him, to die to our self, to give up parents and children for His sake. He does not say this to teach that life is worthless or meaningless, on the contrary, he says it to show the value of the everlasting life that comes through Him. If you are clinging to something that is temporary, even your own existence, then you miss the power and gift of the Gospel. The Psalmist, quoted above, says that God’s lovingkindness is better than life itself. If anything is worth more than life its God’s love. If anything provides purpose, understanding, knowledge, and fulfillment, its God’s love. How can we pursue our own glory when we know that it will never last? How shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation? The beauty of God’s love is that it is better than life because it is eternal life.

            Where is God’s love ever made more clear than on the cross? The Son of God, the Lord Jesus Christ gave up His life and suffered the curse of sin, death, and hell in your place because of His lovingkindness. That lovingkindess on his part was of more value than His own life. When the Christian dies to self, is born again, and gives up all to follow Christ, he or she gains all the riches of heaven and eternity. Certainly of more value than 100 years on earth. The Psalmist declares that he will praise the Lord for this love, for the Gospel. May we be of that mind as well. May we say with Job, that we will trust in Him even if he slays us, because there is no other. Eternal life is more precious than anything. Christ has given us that and all that comes with it because of His lovingkindness. May we always remember that this is better and more precious than earthly life.

In Christ,

Pastor Basile

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

For Such A Time As THis


 For if you remain completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s house will perish. Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” Esther 4:14

Dear Congregation,

            I will admit that when I come to the Book of Esther in my regular Bible reading, I am always tempted to skim through it really fast or perhaps even skip portions of it. Not because it is boring or because it is irrelevant, but because it is a story that I remember well. Being an account in history and not one that ever mentions the name of God, I foolishly deceive myself into disinterest.

            However, this week I took my time with it and absorbed it in a way I have not done for some years. I was struck once again with the truth of God’s sovereignty over all events and actions for His own glory. God is never mentioned as I have already stated, but everything happens at just the right time. Vashti refuses the king at just the right time. Mordecai aids the king at just the right time. Mordecai’s reward is overlooked by the king until just the right time. The king cannot sleep at just the right time. Haman is discovered at just the right time. Esther acts at just the right time. There is no coincidence here. This account does not have to mention God for him to be seen. Secular history does not have to mention God for his hand to be seen and His actions noted. The non believer even recognizes the eerie way that events very often come together for good or evil. In suppression of the truth, a non believer may make up something like karma, or luck, or the stars, or the universe. But Esther shows that all through History God’s covenant is unbreakable and His plan for all history will not be thwarted by mere humanity. If Esther did not fulfill God’s will, deliverance would come from someplace else. God wins.

            As we head into Resurrection Sunday, lets remember all the events that led up to that point. It started in the Garden of Eden and was foretold through millennia until the Lord Jesus was born at just the right time and died and rose again at just the right time. You have been saved at just the right time, live in just the right time in history for God to use you best. May we continue to live with assurance that God will move history to bring all His future promises to fulfillment. Christ in you for such a time as this and your salvation for such a time as this.
In Christ,
Pastor Basile

Thursday, April 6, 2017

What Doest Thou Here, Elijah?


“What doest thou here, Elijah?” I Kings 19:9

Dear Congregation,

            Many are at least generally familiar with the ministry of the prophet Elijah that begins in I Kings chapter 17. Elijah, the mysterious rough hewn man of God who appears out of nowhere to face the evil King Ahab and declare God’s Word. We are aware of his boldness, we are aware of his faith, we are aware of his triumphs. But when we think more deeply we also remember some of his weaknesses. Here in I Kings chapter 19 we see Elijah running away for his life and despairing that he is all alone. Some background for this is needed.

            In I kings chapter 18, Elijah is on Mount Carmel, and by the power of God calls down fire from heaven to defeat and show up the prophets of Baal. The account is a magnificent visible and tangible display of God’s reality and power. It has often been asked how Elijah could run in fear after he had just been a participant in something so magnificent. Some have suggested that Elijah had very high expectations from this display. It has been noted that Elijah may have expected all of the witnesses and people of Israel to turn to God in repentance and faith and give up their wickedness and idolatry. After all, such an outreach must garner results right? Yet, this was not the case. No one cared, no one sought the Lord as a result. It was a huge let down for Elijah and now Jezebel threatens his life. He runs, he despairs, he is exhausted.

            Yet, God has not abandoned His servant and sends an angel to comfort and minister to the broken down Elijah. God gives him food for physical strength, encouraging words for mental strength, and Elijah goes to seek God’s presence for spiritual strength. Many of us often feel alone or let down like Elijah in this passage. Many of us create goals and standards that are not necessarily of God and then are depressed by personal disappointment. We may want to run away and just give up. But be of good cheer, God has the power and strength to overcome your disappointment. Take care for your physical and mental health for a quality life, but be sure to take care of your spiritual life. Elijah goes to Mount Sinai, possibly to the same cleft of the rock where Moses was when he saw God’s backside. This puts life and ministry in perspective. What doest thou here, Elijah? I have reserved 7,000 who have not bowed the knee to Baal. Seek your God, seek His grace, seek His glory, rest in Him and in His provision. Life by His Word not your own manufactured expectations and wants. God will send the encouragement, the right perspective and the reality of His constant presence and provision. You are not alone, there are more with you than be with them. What doest thou here? God has grace and purpose for you even here. Trust and walk with Him!
In Christ,

Pastor Basile